
Lean Six Sigma Consulting in BPO

Lean Six Sigma Consulting in BPO

Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) organizations have lean six sigma built into them in their DNA. Improvement in several metrics are targeted using the lean six sigma methodology. All BPO’s irrespective of the domain, have implemented lean six sigma targeting imperative improvement in metrics they are accountable for or is critical to them.

Customer metric like NPS Scores, Handling time, Turn around Time, Accuracy Scores, First Call Resolution or First time right scores, Collection Scores are all using lean six sigma today. Additionally organizational metrics of margin, revenue, hiring time, hiring cost, reduction of attrition etc. is also targeted using the same.

To add to it, organizations are using lean six sigma to create Process Predictability Models (PPM) and Process Performance Baselines (PPBs) to draw mathematical models around critical variables to their processes.

We at Advance Innovation Group, have worked with several organizations, and their representatives to help improve their critical metrics using the methodology. We have hand held leaders in their pursuit to data driven and organized approach to improvement, provided organizations with precious and trained resources, helped the industry with best practices, tool interpretations, case studies etc.

Please feel free to speak to our consultants for any Corporate Partnership, co-branding opportunities, or any assistance you need on Consulting on lean six sigma. You may also contact us for hiring of lean six sigma certified professionals on demand or on your payroll.

Please refer our blog for more insight on lean six sigma implementation in BPOs.

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