
Internal Auditor Programs

Internal Auditor Training Programs

ISO as an international body has been largest publisher of international standards & best practices documents. Today ISO standards have become a measurement of organizational process maturity in several domains. ISO Standards have become a sales tool, as they are constantly been used by marketing team as a predicament of organizational process maturity. Yet importantly ISO Standards and their subsequent certification serve as benchmark or validation for deployed organizational processes and this is often times used by leadership as a measure of their organization’s direction.

And for such certifications one needs a Internal Auditor to vet the process design and their subsequent implementation and its effectiveness. A Certified Internal Auditor is a certified professional deemed competent to be able to audit internal systems.

For all three audit type (1st Party, 2nd Party, 3rd Party) Internal Auditors form a cardinal part of the audit system. 1st Party or Internal Audit, 2nd Party or Customer Audit or 3rd Party or external Audits needs Internal Auditors at the helm of the system.

Internal Auditors have possible employers in three areas:

Certification Bodies: CBs hire Internal Auditor to manage Certification/recertification claims for organizations. They are required to be a part of Audit Team and conduct the audit in keeping with the guidelines of the International Standard and methods as governed by Organizations.

Supplier Audit – 2nd Party or Customer Audit are the necessity of the day where client would want to verify that the supplier company adheres to the laid down norms as per some international standards. Internal Auditor are commonly employed by such bodies conducting 2nd Party Audit.

Internal Audit – Internal Audits are a great measure of organizational conformance to international standard and laid down organizational processes. Additionally they help organizations in their pursuit to getting or maintaining their certification. And for the purpose organizations employ IAs on their payroll expecting good understanding of international standard and auditing practices. He is also required to liaison with the external Certification Body.

Advance Innovation Group provides Internal Auditor Programs in keeping with the laid down guidelines of the competent body.

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