The Project Management Certification Exam
Project Management Certification

PMP Exam’s format is Computer-based,it contains 200 multiple choice questions, supposed to be answered in 4 hrs. Out of 200 questions, 25 are research questions, which are not evaluated while computing result. To pass the Exam 106 questions must be answered correctly out of 175. There is no negative marking.
The Project Management Certification Exam
Format of the PMP Exam
• Computer based exam conducted in Prometric centers.
• 200 multiple choice questions to be answered within 4 hours.
• Exam is preceded by a 15-minute computer tutorial on the format of the exam.
• Each question has exactly one correct answer. Most people find four hours to be more than sufficient for the exam.
• Out of these 200 questions, 25 questions are research questions. These are randomly placed throughout the exam. These questions are not evaluated while computing exam results. You will only be evaluated on the basis of 175 questions.
• On clicking the final submission button, the system will compute the results immediately and provide you with the Pass or Fail message. Do not forget to collect the result-sheet from the Examination center invigilator/coordinator
• To pass the PMP examination, you must answer a minimum of 106 of the 175 scored questions correctly. Immediately on completion of the exam, the Prometric center will give you the provisional mark-sheet. The mark-sheet will give the breakup of the score by Process Area.
• There is no negative marking in the exam. Unanswered questions are treated as wrong questions.
• After clearing the exam, you will receive the PMP certificate by mail within 2 months. Examination scores are confidential.
Distribution of Questions by Process Group in the PMP Exam
PMP Exam Q Distribution
Project Management Ethics
•Ethics, loosely defined, is a set of principles that guide our decision making based on personal values of what is “right” and “wrong”
•Project managers often face ethical dilemmas
•In order to earn PMP® certification, applicants must agree to PMI’s Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct
•Several questions on the PMP® exam are related to professional responsibility, including ethics
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