Working Overtime? Are You Producing WASTE or VALUE?

Apply Lean techniques to reduce or eliminate wastes like:- Waiting for someone/something Create More Value with Less Work.

Working Overtime? Are You Producing WASTE or VALUE?

Apply Lean techniques to reduce or eliminate wastes like:- Waiting for someone/something Create More Value with Less Work.

While having a debate with one of my colleagues on How We can CREATE MORE VALUE with LESS WORK by applying LEAN techniques in our business.
Working Overtime Are You Producing WASTE or VALUE
I learnt so many people are working OVERTIME including her. People are so frustrated with the extended hours they have to work very often. I respectfully asked her Have you ever Analysed Where You Are Spending Your Time that you have to Work extended hours.

Here is the way to Analyse. Look at the image below. Imagine this is the Time Spent at your work.

In the image below, the time bar marked with RED are the type of activities which we do but those activities do not add any value to our deliverables. Here are few examples:-

– Waiting for someone
– Calling someone back to re-check or clarify something
– Correcting something for which you are not at fault
– Searching for something in drawer or shelf

Are You busy in doing similar activities in your everyday job? Are you Happy with doing such jobs? Do You think TIME SPENT on such WASTEFUL ACTIVITIES can be reduced? Can You completely eliminate Overtime by shrinking this timeline.

Apply LEAN techniques to Your Workplace. Create More Value with Less Work.

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