Understanding 2 Way Anova using MInitab

Understanding 2 Way Anova using Minitab is imperative for practitioners of Lean Six Sigma who look at using Anova for analysis.

Understanding 2 Way Anova using MInitab

Understanding 2 Way Anova using Minitab is imperative for practitioners of Lean Six Sigma who look at using Anova for analysis.

Understanding 2 Way Anova

Two Way Anova is used when you have a continuous Y and 2 response variables which are categorical.

Limitation: X’s must be balanced

Advantage of the Test – It shall publish 3 P Values. One for each factor and one for the interaction between the factors. Look at all the p values to understand the impact of the factor and their interaction on the Project Y Metric.



2 way anova3

Understanding 2 Way Anova4

Like in all Anova Tests, look at the p values and look at the R Sqr (Adj) for the model fitment.

From pictorial representation perspective, use the main effect and interaction effect plot.