Major Steps involved within a Six Sigma Project

This articles posted will help all the students identify and understand the Major Steps involved within Six Sigma Project

Major Steps involved within a Six Sigma Project

This articles posted will help all the students identify and understand the Major Steps involved within Six Sigma Project

Mentioned below are the Major Steps involved within Six Sigma Project.


Collect VOC / VOP / VOB / VOIC / Customer Complaints etc

Identify your Y.

Prepare Project charter

Allocate Roles and Responsibilities

Prepare a Communication Plan

Create SIPOC


Identify the CTQ Metric or CTQ Charecteristic

Document the Data Collection Plan

Collect Data for Xs

Validate data using MSA Experiments

Calculate the as-is process capability

Identify potential Xs for the project Y

Create DCP for Xs

Collect Data for Xs

Pictorally depict Xs using a fish bone diagram. (Optional)

Screen Xs based on Control Impact


Classify the Xs as continuous and discrete

Conduct Hypothesis testing

Improve :

Screen the Xs based on one of the below

Mathematical Screening using R Sqr, R, Chi Square etc

Attribute Screening based on Control Impact, Cost Impact, Time Impact, Competence available, etc

Build action plan (with or without QFD, FDM, Pug matrix)

Setup Control Plan of the actionables using FMEA

Implement Action Plan

Once actionable implemented – Capture data on improved Y

Conduct MSA on Improved Y

Conduct statistical validation if the goal achieved or not


Build control plan using FMEA or What if analysis

Implement control Plan

Once control plan is implemented – Capture data on improved Y and Xs.

Conduct MSA on Improved Y

Conduct statistical validation for Y if it continues to meet the target

Continue to monitor Xs.

Get sign off from stakeholders.

complete the cost benefit analysis