Fishbone on Script too Long

The above fishbone on Script too long has been created for one of the root causes of the project done on reducing handling time.

Fishbone on Script too Long

The above fishbone on Script too long has been created for one of the root causes of the project done on reducing handling time.

Fishbone on Script too Long

Please refer to the previous post on Handling Time Fishbone. While doing the project in Handling Time, Script too long had come as a possible Factor (X). Now we have completed the 5 WHY Analysis and here is the fishbone on Script too long.Too long script is a big issue for increasing average handling time. In the voice call quality format if you are using the number script in every steps and these script are very long, then it will take too much time. So, the number of script and long script both are vital factors for increasing Average Handing Time.