Why is process Important ?
Why is process Important? This article shall help reader understand the importance and necessity of Processes in business and life.

Why is process Important?
Any organization that has to do well must be governed by processes instead of people. The process is nothing but setup defined activities that are carried out which it consumes input uses resources is supervised to create defined output.
So organizations that have well-defined processes will be able to understand and subsequently implement input provisioning to ensure process success. Similarly, the process definition will also help identify resource requirement and such identification and its usage will ensure timely and correct estimation of resource requirements for process performance.
To summarize the benefits of the process:
- Processes bring in customer confidence
- Processes will bring consistency
- Processes will help with monitoring and audits
- Processes make business outcomes predictable
- Process behavior will make life easier for internal stakeholders as well.
- Processes help improve employee satisfaction
- Process help deliver as per customer requirement
- Processes enable planning
- Processes help build controls
Processes bring in customer confidence.
When you are required to create any product or service for a customer the customer requires that faith in your ability to be able to provide him the product in a cost-effective timely and height and with high quality. Deployment of process behavior ensures that everyone involved in in the life cycle of the product or service no what they are required to do understand what inputs will be required to be able to perform the job and what is the expected outcome of the this gives the customer faith and confidence in the deployed processes. Intern gained customer confidence will result in more business.
Monitoring also benefits if there is a defined process. When you are required to monitor audit something what are the necessary elements will be e availability of 8th standard. so if I am required to audit something where there is a defined process the process documentation itself provides me a benchmark to compare the performances against. I can check whether the work was done as for the defined method I can check is the trigger for the process initiated the desired response I can verify whether the input as laid down in the process was provided for in a timely manner I can check if the output is at as the desired level of performance.
Monitoring shall be a very critical business process for predictive results and confidence two internal and external stakeholders.
Processes will bring consistency.
Think of a large organization where hundreds of people are involved in doing similar tasks. If we allow each one of them to follow their own way of doing things we may end up creating products which are very dissimilar and not meeting customer requirement. Alternatively, if we understand the customer requirement well and create our processes to meet those requirement and train people accordingly now these hundred people are following the laid down process the likelihood of them creating similar products or services in line with the customer requirement is much higher than in the random approach.
Processes which are well defined and followed shall bring unpredictability which is one of the most important elements of any organizations success
In order to be successful, the organization shall need everything to be predictable.
When the process is the way business is being run it is most likely that the business will create standard outputs NEFT process alignment to customer CTQ (Critical to Quality) is insured the process will end up creating products or services that meet customer requirement.
In business continuity situations processes may end up reducing the impact of the calamity at hand.
Process behavior will make life easier for internal stakeholders as well.
When employees and vendors and other internal stakeholders know what is expected from them and what steps have to be taken for anything to get done - it reduces their discomfort and inhibitions. Processes make employees and vendors gain more confidence in the firm if there are defined ways of doing things instead of randomness in governance.
All process concerning employees, if well laid down will help employees gain more confidence in the company. And happy employees are more likely to perform well and less likely to attrite. Through my several years of being a consultant, I have seen several instances where processes have yielded high results in productivity improvement, ESAT scores among other things.
Processes enable planning
One of the greatest advantages of the process is that it helps the planning processes. From input provisioning to resource requirement to supervision need...process gives us a lot of information which are mandatory inputs to the planning processes. Planning well is a mandate for an organizations success.
Processes help build controls
When one is looking at setting up control mechanisms in business processes one of the best ways of doing it shall be ...PFMEA which evaluates each process step and identifies what could be the possible failure mode and we end up building a control plan for the possible failure modes. Even outside the usage of formal tools like FMEA etc, the process can be helpful in identifying control needs and building control plans. A well laid out control plan will bring in a higher likelihood of success and reduce surprises.
I hope this article on the importance of Process is useful. Must recommend reading it for all process professionals.
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