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Master Black Belt as an expert is typically an organizational change management leader accountable for end to end management of the improvement initiatives within the organization. With the emphasis on quality control and customer satisfaction increasing in almost every industry, the role of certified Master Black Belts is becoming more important than ever before. Consequently, they have become one of the highest paid and much sought-after professionals today.
Managing the MBB Role involves both change management role and a key input for organizational lean six sigma project initiatives. The curriculum for the Six Sigma Master Black Belt training and certification at Advance Innovation Group is created in a way that the statistical knowledge of certified Black Belts would lead to a higher level of understanding, focusing on the elements used most often with Six Sigma projects.
From the arrangement of the Improvement Ideation Structure setup and upkeep to the setup of project management practices and governance of initiatives all fall under his scope of work. In keeping the above in the mind Advance Innovation Group’s Master Black Belt training program is developed to help the applicant with an in-depth understanding of the numerous aspects of Lean Six Sigma Master Black Belt and connected deliverable.
Timebound access to high-quality reading content consisting of Videos, Downloadable Pdfs, Excel sheets.
Get access to detailed videos and associated data sheets for greater understanding of the subject and practice.
Get 20 downloadable content, reading content, articles etc.
Get access to online question bank of 10000 plus questions for practice and self assessment
Get expert consultation on demand to clear doubts with topics if any.
With in-built real-time performance assessment and status information stay focussed on completion of the program on-time and with higher competence.
Get access to Job Blog and Job Groups on Whatsapp which can be helpful in case you are looking for a job change.
The Successful Completion of the course will be subject to Certification of Master Black Belt.
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