Steps needs to be taken care of while doing a project
This is an article on Lean Six Sigma Projects Steps to be undertaken for successful project completion. Author has listed down the steps.
Steps needs to be taken care of while doing a project
Please see below some steps needs to be taken care of while doing a project
1. Identify your Y as continuous or discrete. In any project, we shall have only 01 Y.
2. Identify your Xs as continuous or discrete. In any project, we shall have multiple Xs. Number of Xs can be anything between 20 to 30 or may be more. The more the Xs, the better will be the project.
3. Classify your Xs into Xc (continuous Xs) and Xd (discrete Xs).
4.You must have data for all Xs.
5.Next step is to decide what tests are to be done in Minitab.
6.Keep taking screen shots in PPT as you do any test in Minitab.
7.Finally look at the P values.
8. If P<5%, those are the vital Xs. Rest all the Xs are not significant and hence will be ignored.
9. Based on the list of vital Xs, we shall do QFD (Quality Function Deployment).
10.Based on QFD matrix scores in the last row, we shall prioritize the actionable items.
11.Please note that Pareto or FMEA etc are all independent six sigma tools. One may decide to include or exclude depending upon the requirement of your project.
12.Once actionable items are done, we need to show the Pre Vs Post sigma level.
13. Next is to use control charts like IMR, Xbar R or Xbar S in case of Ycor C, P, U or NP tests if Yd.
14 Finally show the improvements done, costs saved, sigma level improved etc to end the process.
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