Basic Statistic

Basic Statistic

Basic Statistic

Basic Statistic – Statistic is defined as “The collection organization & interpretation of data, especially the estimation of an entire population based on sample taken from it.”


Statistic is defined as “The collection organization & interpretation of data, especially the estimation of an entire population based on sample taken from it.”

If we can break UNIT of data into smallest units without changing its original meaning its continuous else discrete.

Types of Data

Continuous Data-

Any variable measured on a continuum or scale that can be infinitely divided

Ex- size, weight, time, currency, height density & temperature etc.


Discrete Data-

Any data which cannot be divisible into further unit.

Count of percentage: Ex- counts of errors or % of output with errors

Binomial Data: Data that can have only one of two values: Ex-Yes/No, Pass/Fail

Attribute-Nominal: The data are names or Labels: Ex- boat, train, plane, machine 1 and machine 2 etc.

Attribute-Ordinal: The name or labels represent some value inherent in the item: Ex- Product performance- excellent, very good, good, fair and poor.

Ex2-Customer Survey-strongly agree, agree, disagree & strongly disagree